My love story Part I

Monday, march 21, 2011

I felt love when I was 4th class "Madrasah Ibtidaiyah", I fall in love with my classmates, he is more beautiful than other, so many of my friends like her including me but friends of my classmates supported me becouse I was leader in this class, maybe.hehe

on a day when the class free, my friends gave me a advice to invited him out, the fortuitously at the time I brought a camera so I invited him to gardens around the school casually took some picture for created a momen, I seen he was very happy, I didn't aware if on the that time my friends follow me quietly, I know when I was in class, my friend always smile and do strange.

in that time I didn't know, why I couldn't be with her whereas my friends told me that she loved me too,,maybe Allah not allow me to date with this girl in that time. I feel grateful becouse Allah was showing me to the straight path.

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